WFSF in Brief
WFSF is a UNESCO and UN consultative partner and global NGO with members in over 60 countries. We bring together academics, researchers, practitioners, students and futures-focused institutions. WFSF offers a forum for stimulation, exploration and exchange of ideas, visions, and plans for alternative futures, through long-term, big-picture thinking and radical change.
Current President is Dr. Erik F. Øverland; based in Norway & Germany
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Latest News
- World Futures Day 2025: Join the Global Conversation on Building a Better Tomorrow on March 1st.
- WFSF President: “Foresight Must Be Grounded in Exploratory Thinking, Not Hype”
- New ‘Future in Focus’ review spotlights UN DESA’s foresight efforts
- Introducing World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) at the BRICSX Marketplace
- The 3rd Future and Development Conference Explores Emerging Industrial Trends in Beijing
- Open letter to the President of the UN General Assembly
- Publication of the Handbook of Futures Studies
- United Nations Civil Society Conference (2024UNCSC) in Nairobi, Kenya
- Prize for the Best Scientific Advancement of Futures Studies
- Federal Foresight Advocacy Alliance and Creation of New U.S. Office of Strategic Foresight
- Report of the Chinese Delegation on the 25th World Conference of the WFSF in Paris
- World Futures Day 2024 – March 1
- WFSF President Speaks at the Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) 23rd Futures Conference
- UN Summit of the Future publishes the WFSF written input