Apply for WFSF Membership
WFSF offers several categories of membership including Individual (Full, Associate or Student) and Institutional Membership. Members are required to pay an annual membership fee. (SEE BELOW). When you complete our online form and pay the allocated fees, our Director will then check your application with our Executive Board to make a final determination on the approval of membership level. If any adjustment needs to be made we will let you know. Once you become a member either individually or institutionally you will also be given access to a members-only discussion electronic listserv hosted by the Free University of Berlin. This is the major digital place for the interaction among members from around the world. It is also a place to share announcements about job opportunities, events, courses, book review, call for papers, open positions, etc. The annual fee covers such benefits among others: Members are the key scholars and researchers in the futures studies field from around the world. You can explore their websites and backgrounds here: Types of WFSF Membership Individual Members (Full, Associate or Student) Full Members Persons active in the field of futures studies for at least two years who support the objectives, functions and activities of the Federation. To be considered please include evidence of experience in futures research, teaching or consulting activities AND endorsements from two current Full Members. Associates Persons who are committed to the purpose and work of the Federation but with insufficient experience in futures studies/research to qualify as Full Members …