WFSF has co-convened many regional conferences, meetings & workshops.
WFSF Regional meetings have been held in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Mexico City, USA, China, Japan, Pakistan, Russia, Iceland and Europe.
A complete listing of Regional Meetings, in reverse chronological order, is below. Clicking on the highlighted links will take you to the website or further articles and documentation.
Regional Conference
Reykjavík, Iceland, Futures of Democracy-Nordic democracy as leverage for global challenges
21-23 February, 2024
Regional Conference
Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia- Beyond the Now, Living the Future- in collaboration with Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University (PMU)
7-8 December, 2022
World Futures Regional Conference – Futures Studies Tackling Wicked Problems
11-12 June 2015 in Turku, Finland
Regional Conference
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain – a joint collaboration between WFSF and the Ministry of Social Action and Citizenry of Catalonia.
Regional Seminar, Civilization Futures: A New Assignment for Futures Researchers?
Bollwiller, France, June 5- 6, 2009
WFSF Nordic Regional Symposium: The Future of the Welfare State: Futures Methodologies.
Reykjavik, Iceland, 20-22 March 1997
WFSF Regional Seminar: Approaches to Sustainable Development: Problems of the Baltic Region, Europe and the Globe.
St Petersburg, Russia, July 1996.
Ecofuture: A Road to Catastrophe or to Noosphere?
Russia, March 1995 (in conjunction with WFSF)
II International Kondratieff Conference: Kondratieff Ideals and Dynamics of Society on the Border-line of the III Millennium. VII Interdisciplinary Discussion.
The 2nd Futures-Creating Seminar: Non-Linear and Chaos-Theoretic Thinking: New Scientific-Visionary Paradigm.
Goshiki-cho, Awajishima, Japan, August 1994
The 1st Futures-Creating Seminar: Renewing Community as a Sustainable Global Village.
Goshiki-cho, Awajishima, Japan, August 1993, hosted by the Network University of the Green World and the town of Goshiki.
The Future of Democracy in the Developing World.
Islamabad, Pakistan, October 1992
Alternative Futures for Eastern Europe.
Bulgaria, Sofia, June 1991.
Linking Long-Range Visions to Short-Range Decisions in the Pacific-Basin Networking Community.
Nagoya, Japan, November 1989, in cooperation with University of Commerce and Business Administration, Aichi Japan.
Technology of the Future and Its Social Implications.
Budapest, Hungary, September 1987, organised by the Futures Research Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
The Future of Culture.
November 1986, Beijing, China, in cooperation with the Chinese Academy for Classical Learning.
Caring, Careless, Overcaring Societies.
Buffalo, New York, USA, October 1986, in cooperation with the Centre for Integrative Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Education Futures Studies.
Barcelona, Catalonia, November 1985, in cooperation with Centre Catalo de Prospectiva.
Future, Education, and Peace.
Bucharest, Romania, May 1985, in cooperation with the Romanian Academy of Social and Politcal Sciences; Romanian Commission for UNESCO; University for Peace; and the International Centre of Methodology for Future and Development Studies.
The Cultural Roots of Peace.
Zurich, Switzerland, June 1984, in cooperation with the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute.
The Japanese Way of Building the Future.
Barcelona, Catalonia, November 1984, in cooperation with the Centre Catalo de Prospectiva.
Hawaii in the Global Futures.
Honolulu, Hawaii, March 1983, in cooperation with the University of Hawaii.
Changing Lifestyles as Indicators of New and Cultural Values.
Zurich, Switzerland, October 1983, in cooperation with the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute.
The Future of Political Institutions as Seen by Different Regions and Cultures.
Zurich, Switzerland, February 1982, in cooperation with the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute.
The Future of Political Institutions and Government.
The Hague, The Netherlands, November 1981, in cooperation with the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy.
Alternative Visions of Desirable Societies III,
Mexico City, 1981, in cooperation with the Centro de Estudios Econ¢micos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo and the UN University.
Approaches to the Study of the Future of Canada. Mexico, and the United States,
Buffalo, New York, USA, May 1980, in cooperation with the Centre for Integrative Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo; The Centro de Estudios EconÇmicos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo; and UNEP.
Science, Technology, and the Future,
Berlin, West Germany, May 1979, in cooperation with the Gesellschaft far Zukunftsfragen; the German Foundation for International development; Association Internationale Futuribles; Schweizerische Vereinung far Zukunftsforschung; and The Society for International Development.
Alternative Visions of Desirable Societies II,
Mexico City, 1979, in cooperation with the Centro de Estudios Econ¢micos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo and the UN University.
Alternative Visions of Desirable Societies I,
Mexico City, 1978, in cooperation with the Centro de Estudios Econ¢micos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo and the UN University.
Art and the Future,
Jakarta, Indonesia, July 1978 in cooperation with Jakarta University.