Handbook of Futures Studies
This insightful Handbook emphasizes the unique contribution that Futures Studies offers when understanding and managing current situations. Contributing authors argue that by learning to examine the future in the present, individuals and organizations can expand their abilities to analyze, assess and ultimately make better decisions. [Click Here To Read More].
United Nations Civil Society Conference (2024UNCSC) in Nairobi, Kenya
The Department of Global Communications had never organized a conference of this size, which had attracted such a high level of interest, in such a short period of time. Over 3,600 civil society representatives from 2,750 entities had registered, along with around 400 representatives of 64 governments, seven International Governmental Organizations (IGOs), 37 United Nations entities and over 100 media reporters. 70 percent of those registered were from Africa and 40 percent of all registrations were youth, in the age group 18 to 34. The World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) was represented by a delegate including Dr. Leopold Mureithi, Dr. Alexander Shenderov, and Dr. Steven Lichty. [Click Here To Read More].
Middle East and North Africa Chapter Report
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University is keen on implementing futures education and embracing this emerging field of futures studies among its academic courses and degrees. From the inception of Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Center for Futuristic Studies (PMFCFS), it launched an introductory course in Futures Studies, designed with the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF). [Click Here To Read More].
Federal Foresight Advocacy Alliance and Creation of New U.S. Office of Strategic Foresight
Washington, D.C. – March 1, 2024 – Today, World Futures Day, the Baldrige Foundation proudly celebrates the launch of the Federal Foresight Advocacy Alliance (FFAA), a new collective endeavor of leading foresight and strategy experts dedicated to the creation of a U.S. Office of Strategic Foresight to navigate the 21st century’s myriad threats, complexities, and opportunities [Click Here To Read More].
Report of the Chinese Delegation on the 25th World Conference of the WFSF in Paris
The China Society for Futures Studies, an institutional member of the WFSF, has released the official report of the Chinese delegation regarding their experience at the 25th World Conference of the WFSF held in Paris in 2023. To access the first section in English, first enable AI translation in your web browser, then click here. For the second section, click here.
Join the Global Conversation on Building a Better Tomorrow
March 1st The Millennium Project and five other international futurist organizations will host the 11th annual World Futures Day – a unique 24-hour online conversation around the world exploring possibilities for our shared future. [Click here to read more].
WFSF President Keynote Speech: Future Possibilities for Relations between Humankind and Nature Need to be Articulated in New and More Affirmative Ways
Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) 23rd Futures Conference focused on the wide variety of ways we see futures and how futures studies can empower people, societies, and organizations for creating more just and sustainable futures. ‘Empowering Futures – Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research’ conference was organised during 14–15 June in Turku, Finland and on 16 June 2023 online [Click here to read more].
UN Summit of the Future publishes the WFSF written input
Washington, D.C., USA, 2 February 2024 – In preparation for the zero draft of the Pact for the Future, the co-facilitators of the UN Summit of the Future: Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow, Germany and Namibia invited written inputs from Major Groups and Other Stakeholders (MGoS), other civil society networks and organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and academia. Stakeholders were encouraged to reflect on the scope of the Pact for the Future outlined in the UN General Assembly Decision 77/568 and to provide concise, concrete and action-oriented recommendations structured around the elements of the Pact for the Future. Among the contributors, the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) has submitted a noteworthy input, reflecting the commitment to advancing global futures studies and shaping a sustainable and equitable future. [Click here to read more].