Books from the 21st Century

English Futures Books from the 21st Century

This list was compiled from contributions by members and is arranged in alphabetical order.

Abramyan, Evgeny, (2009), Civilization in the twenty-first century : Analysis of world situation and prospects for the future, Translated from Russian by Alexander Kondorsky, Moscow

Adam, Barbara (2004), Time (Key Concepts), Cambridge, UK, Polity Press.

Adam, Barbara & Groves, Chris (2007), Future Matters: Action, Knowledge, Ethics (Supplements to the Study of Time), Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill.

Ahvenharju, Sanna (2022) Futures Consciousness as a Human Anticipatory Capacity – Definition and Measurement. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 90: Oeconomica, Turku 2022.

Albert, Michael J. (2024) Navigating the Polycrisis: Mapping the Futures of Capitalism and the Earth. The MIT Press.

Alcamo, J (Ed) (2008), Environmental Futures, Amsterdam, Elsevier.

Alexander, Bryan (2023). Universities on Fire: Higher Education in the Climate Crisis, Johns Hopkins University Press. 

Anthony, Marcus T. (2023), Power and Presence: Reclaiming Your Authentic Self in a Digitized World,  MindFutures

Antón, Philip S, Schneider, James & Silberglitt, Richard (2001), The Global Technology Revolution: Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies with Information Technology by 2015, Santa Monica, CA, RAND

Appadurai, A. The Future as Cultural Fact, London, Verso, 2013

Attali, Jacques (2009), A Brief History of the Future, Allen & Unwin (Originally published in French in 2006 as Une Brève histoire de l’avenir)

Bartha, Z, Tóthné Szita, K, Gordon, T. J, Piotr, G, Jutkiewicz, P, Kladivo, P, Klinec, I, Kołos, N, Nováček, P, 2015, V4 State of the Future Index, Warsaw, Polish Society for Futures Studies, 66 p.

Bergheim, Stefan (2021), Futures – Open to Variety: A manual for the wise use of the later-than-now, Frankfurt am Main, ZGF Publishers.

Besenyei, L, Nováky, E, S. Gubik, A, Tóthné, Sz, K et al. (ed. by Finszter, G, Sabjanics, I), 2018, Security challenges in the 21st Century, Budapest, Dialóg Campus, 823 p.

Bindé, Jérôme (Ed) (2001), Keys to the 21st century, UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura – Berghahn Books.

Bindé, Jérôme (Ed) (2004), The future of values: 21st Century Talks, UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura.

Bindé, Jérôme (Ed) (2007), Making Peace With the Earth: Twenty-first Century Talks, The Philosopher’s Library Series, UNESCO.

Bitó, J, Boda, Zs, Bokor, Z, Füle, M, Havas, A, Karsai, G, Kovács, G, Major, I, Pap, L, Pataki, Gy et al., 2000, The Hungarian Technology Foresight Programme: Report by the Steering Group, Budapest, Oktatási Minisztérium, 90 p.

Boorova, B, Demus, T, Gáspár, J, Gubova, K, Hideg, É, Kardas, M, Kononiuk, A, Markovič, P, Nosarzewski, K, Sacio-Szymańska, A, Sugár, S, Tommei, S, Tyukodi, G, Valenta, O (ed. by Sacio-Szymańska, A et al.), 2016, Corporate foresight potential in Visegrad (V4) countries, Radom, Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute in Radom, 142 p

Borch, Kristian; Dingli, Sandra; Sørgaard Jørgensen, Michael (Eds.) (2013): Participation and Interaction in Foresight. Dialogue, Dissemination and Visions”, London: Edward Elgar Publishers

Bowers, C.A.  Let Them Eat Data; How computers affect education, cultural diversity and the Prospects of Ecological Sustainability. 2000

Brassett, J. and O’Reilly, J. (eds.) (2021) A Creative Philosophy of Anticipation. Futures in the Gaps of the Present. Routledge Research in Anticipation and Futures Series. Series editors K. Facer and J. Siebers. New York and London: Routledge. 

Bryant, R. and Knight, D.M. (2019) The Anthropology of the Future. New Departures in Anthropology Series. Series editors J. Spencer and M. Lambek. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Brockman, John (Ed) (2002), The Next Fifty Years: Science in the First Half of the Twenty-first Century, New York, Vintage Books.

Bryant, R. and D. M. Knight, (2019) The Anthropology of the Future, Cambridge University Press.

Bühring, Jörn H (2021) Private Banking and Wealth Management Futures 2030; Greater China Perspectives, Singapore: Springer Nature.

Candy, Stuart, Potter, Cher (Eds) (2019) Design and Futures, Tamkang University Press

Chermack, Thomas J., (2022), Using Scenarios: Scenario Planning for Improving Organizations, Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Collins, Samuel G (2008), All Tomorrow’s Futures, Anthropological Engagements with the Future, Berghahn Books.

Cornish, Edward (2005), Futuring: The Exploration of the Future, The World Future Society.

Corsi, Patrick (2017), Going Past Limits to Growth: A Report to the Club of Rome EU-Chapter, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Cooper, Richard N, Layard, Richard (2002), What the Future Holds: Insights from Social Science, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Cordeiro, Jose and Wood, David (2023).The Death of Death: The Scientific Possibility of Physical Immortality and its Moral Defense. Springer Nature.

Daglish, R. (2018), Napier Collyns: Memoir of a Networking Man, Triarchy Press Ltd

Dator, Jim, (2022), Beyond Identities: Human Becomings in Weirding Worlds, Springer Cham

Dator, Jim (Ed) (2002), Advancing Futures: Futures Studies in Higher Education, Praeger Studies on the 21st Century, London, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut.

Dator, Jim (2019), A noticer in time. Selected work, 1967-2018. Springer Nature Press

Dator, Jim (2024). Living Make-Belief: Thriving in a Dream Society, Springer, Anticipation Science Series.

Dewar, James (2002), Assumption-Based Planning: A Tool for Reducing Avoidable Surprises, Cambridge University Press.

Djuricic, Ksenija (2022) Entrepreneurial foresight as entrepreneurs’ transformative power: Inducing contextual change through opportunity formation. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 94: Oeconomica, Turku 2022.

Donnelly, Gabrielle and Montuori, Alfonso  (Eds.) (2022), Routledge Handbook for Creative Futures, London: Routledge 

Eisler, R (2000), Tomorrow’s Children: A Blueprint for Partnership Education in the 21st Century, Boulder, CO, Westview Press.

Fóti, G, Inotai, A, Simai, M (eds.), 2007, Epochal change in the world economy: past and prospects, Budapest, MTA Világgazdasági Kutatóintézet, 220 p.

Follows, Tracey (2022), The Future of You: Can Your Identity Survive 21st-Century Technology?, Elliott & Thompson

Fox, Mary Frank, Deborah G. Johnson and Sue Vilhauer Rosser. 2006. Women, gender, and technology. Urbana, University of Illinois Press.

Freinacht, Hanzi (2017). The Listening Society: A Metamodern Guide to Politics, Book One (Metamodern Guides), Metamoderna ApS

Freinacht, Hanzi (2019). Nordic Ideology: A Metamodern Guide to Politics, Book Two (Metamodern Guides), Metamoderna ApS

Friedman, George (2009), The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century, Doubleday.

Gaudin, Thierry, Maurel, M. and  Pomerol, J. (eds.), 2021,  Chance, Calculation and Life, Wiley

Gáspár, T (ed.), 2009, Perspectives of sustainable economic growth in the countries of SEE, Budapest, Ecostat Gazdaságelemző és Informatikai Intézet

Gáspár, T, Bakos, P (eds.), 2005, Futures generation for future generations: World Futures Studies Federation 19th World Conference and Budapest Futures Course 2005, Budapest, Futures Studies Department, Corvinus University of Budapest

Geering, Llyod (2013), From the Big Bang to God: Our Awe-Inspiring Journey of Evolution, Polebridge Press

Georghiou Luke, Harper, Jennifer Cassingena, Keenan, Michael, Miles, Ian, & Popper, Rafael (Eds) (2008), The Handbook of Technology Foresight: Concepts and Practice, PRIME Series on Research and Innovation Policy in Europe, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Gerhold, Lars, Dirk Holtmannspötter, Christian Neuhaus, Elmar Schüll, Beate Schulz-Montag, Karlheinz Steinmüller, and Axel Zweck, (2022), Standards of Futures Research: Guidelines for Practice and Evaluation, Springer VS Wiesbaden

Gidley, Jennifer (2020), “The Secret to Growing Brilliant Children: Volume 1: Steiner Education for the 21st Century”. Bear Books.

Gidley, Jennifer (2017), The Future: A very short introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press. 

Gidley, Jennifer (2016), Postformal Eudcation: A Philosophy for Complex Futures, Springer Interational Publishing

Gidley, Jennifer & Inayatullah, Sohail (Eds) (2002), Youth Futures: Comparative Research and Transformative Visions, London, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut.

Gordon, Theodore J., Florescu, Elizabeth, Glenn, Jerome J., Sharan, Yair (2017), Identification of Potential Terrorists and Adversary Planning: Emerging Technologies and New Counter-Terror Strategies: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series E: Human and Societal Dynamics Vol.132, Amsterdam, IOS Press.

Glenn, J and Millennium Project Team (2020). Work/Technology 2050: Scenarios and Actions, The Millennium Project, Washington, DC.

Glenn, Jerome C., Florescu, Elizabeth, Millennium Project Team (2024), State of the Future 20.0, Washington, DC, The Millennium Project

Glenn, Jerome C. & Gordon, Theodore J., (Eds) (2009) Futures Research Methodology 3.0, Washington, DC, The Millennium Project. (also in Farsi/Persian and soon Spanish)

Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore, J (2001), Future International Environmental Security Issues & Potential Military Requirements over the period 2010-2025, Atlanta, Army Environmental Policy Institute.

Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Theodore, J., Florescu, Elizabeth (2000) Global Challenges for Humanity: UN Millennium Summit & Forum 2000, San Francisco, State of the World.

Greer, J. M. (2008). The Long Descent: A User’s Guide to the End of the Industrial Age.

Greer, J. M. (2009). The Ecotechnic Future: Envisioning a Post-Peak World.

Greer, J. M. (2011). The Wealth of Nature: Economics as if Survival Mattered.

Greer, J. M. (2013). Not the Future We Ordered: Peak Oil, Psychology, and the Myth of Progress.

Greer, J. M. (2015). Collapse Now and Avoid the Rush.

Halal, William E. (2021), Beyond Knowledge: How Technology is Driving an Age of Consciousness. 

Halal, William, (2008) Technology’s Promise: Expert Knowledge on the Transformation of Business and Society,  Palgrave Macmillan

Halal, William, (2007) The Infinite Resource: Creating and Leading the Knowledge Enterprise,  Jossey-Bass

Hayward, Peter (2008) Developing Wisdom: How Foresight Develops in Individuals and Groups. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr Müller

Heinonen, Sirkka – Kuusi, Osmo & Salminen, Hazel (eds.) (2017) How Do We Explore Our Futures? Methods of Futures Research. Acta Futura Fennica 10, The Finnish Society for Futures Studies, Helsinki. 

Heinonen, Sirkka & Karjalainen, Joni (2019). Electrification in Peer-to-Peer Society – a New Narrative for Sustainable Futures. FFRC eBook 1/2019. 

Heinonen, Sirkka; Maree, Burgert; Sivonen, Risto; Toivonen, Saija; Viitamäki, Riku; Pättikangas, Paula (2023), TOWARDS TWIN TRANSFORMATIONS AND SPACES – Convoluted Conversations on the Green and Digital Futures of Work, 

Hideg, É., 2015,: Paradigms in the futures field. Corvinus University of Budapest, 

Hideg, É, (ed.), 2009, Futures studies in the interactive society. Futures Studies Department of Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, p.250. , 

Hines, Andy, & Bishop, Peter (Eds) (2006), Thinking about the Future: Guidelines for Strategic Foresight, Washington, Social Technologies.

Holmgren, D. (2009). Future Scenarios: How Communities Can Adapt to Peak Oil and Climate Change. Chelsea Green Publishing.

Hughes, Barry. B. (2019). International Futures: Building and Using Global Models. London Academic Press, An Imprint Of Elsevier. Available at 

Inayatullah, Sohail (Ed) (2004), The Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) Reader: Theory and case studies of an integrative and transformative method, Tamkang University.

Inayatullah, Sohail and Milojević, Ivana (Eds) (2015). CLA 2.0. Transformative Research in Theory and Practice, Taipei, Tamkang University Press.

Inayatullah, S., Mercer, R., Milojević, I. and Sweeney, J. A. (Eds.) (2022) CLA 3.0: Thirty Years of Transformative Research, Tamkang University Press

Inayatullah, Sohail (Ed) (2005), Questioning the Future: Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation, Taipei, Tamkang University Press.

Inayatullah, Sohail and Na, Lu  (2018). Asia 2038: Ten Disruptions that Change Everything, Taipei, Tamkang University Press. And in Mandarin (2020) via Tamsui, CFAR. And in Korean (2021) via Seoul, Parkyoung Publications.

Inayatullah, Sohail (2015). What Works: Case Studies in the Practice of Foresight. Taipei, Tamkang University Press.

Inayatullah, Sohail and Ithnin, Fazidah (2018). Transformation 2050: the Alternative Futures of Malaysian Universities. Bandar Baru Nilai, USIM.

Inayatullah, Sohail (2017). Prout in Power: Policy Solutions that Transform Our Futures. Delhi, Proutist Bloc Publications, India.

Inayatullah, Sohail and Milojević, Ivana (2022). The End of the Cow and Other Emerging Issues. Brisbane.

Inayatullah, Sohail, Bussey, Marcus, and Milojevic, Ivana (2008). Alternative Futures of Education. Taipei, Tamkang University Press.

Inayatullah, Sohail and Blackman, Colin (2008). A Society of All Ages. London, Emerald Publishing Company.

Inayatullah, Sohail (Ed) (2008). Global Transformations and World Futures; knowledge, economy and society vol 1 and 2, UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. Oxford, EOLSS Publishers.

Inayatullah, Sohail & Boxwell, Gail (Eds) (2003), Islam, Postmodernism and other futures: A Ziauddin Sardar reader, Pluto Press.

Inayatullah, Sohail, & Gidley, Jennifer (Eds) (2000), The University in Transformation: Global Perspectives on the Futures of the University, London, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut.

Jin,  Zhouying, (2022), The Future of Humanity (Second Edition): From Global Civilization to Great Civilization, UK: Intellect Books

Jokinen, Leena (2022) Ideation for future cruise ships. Collaborative interorganisational foresight in cruise ship concept ideation. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 86: Oeconomica, Turku 2022. URN:ISBN:978-951-29-8776-4.

Kaku, Michio (2008), Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel, Doubleday.

Kapoor, Rakesh (2019), The Restless Futurist – Seth’s Quest for Transforming India, Vitasta Publishing

Karacaoglu, Girol (2021), Love you: public policy for intergenerational wellbeing, Wellington: Tuwhiri 

Karacaoglu, Girol (2022), Unity in Diversity: Reimagining governance for sustainable wellbeing, Amazon 

Kiss, E (ed.), 2014, Studies on the Theoretical Perspectives of Globalization, Sopron, Arisztotelész Kiadó, 310 p.

Klisanin, D. (2023). Future Hack (Chronicles of G.A.I.A.). Genius Cat Books.

Kurki, Sofi (2020) Foresight and Transformation: Observing Pioneers in Our Changing Societies. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 62: Oeconomica, Turku 2020. URN:ISBN:978-951-29-8127-4.

Kurzweil, Ray (2006), The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Viking Adult.

Kuhn, Berthold M.  &  Margellos,  Dimitrios L. (2022), Global Perspectives on Megatrends; the Future as Seen by Analysts and Researchers from Different World Regions, Columbia University Press

Kuusi, Osmo, Heinonen, Sirkka, Salminen, Hazel (Eds.) (2017) How Do We Explore Our Futures? Methods of Futures Research, The Finnish Society for Futures Studies

Larson, E. J. (2022). The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do. Harvard University Press.

László, E (2001), Macroshift: Navigation the Transformation to a Sustainable World, San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

László, E (2006), The Chaos Point: The World at the Crossroads, Charlottsville, VA, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.

Lempert, Robert J, Popper, Steven W, & Bankes, Steven C (2003), Shaping the Next One Hundred Years: New Methods for Quantitative, Long-Term Policy Analysis, RAND

Leonhard, Gerd, (2016), TECHNOLOGY vs. HUMANITY, Fast Future Publishing

Lombardo, Thomas (2022) Essays on the Future of Psychology and Consciousness. Glendale, AZ: Center for Future Consciousness

Lombardo, Thomas. (2022) The Odyssey of the Future: The Ultimate Adventure. Glendale, AZ: The Center for Future Consciousness.

Lombardo, Thomas.(2022) The Future of Science, Technology, and the Cosmos. Glendale, AZ: The Center for Future Consciousness.

Lombardo, Thomas (2006) The Evolution of Future Consciousness: The Nature and Historical Development of the Human Capacity to Think about the Future, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.

Lombardo, Thomas (2006) Contemporary Futurist Thought: Science Fiction, Future Studies, and Theories and Visions of the Future in the Last Century, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.

Lombardo, Thomas (2011) Wisdom, Consciousness, and the Future: Selected Essays. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris.

Lombardo, Thomas (2011) Mind Flight: A Journey into the Future. Bloomington, Indiana: Xlibrius.

Lombardo, Thomas (2017) Future Consciousness: The Path to Purposeful Evolution. London: Changemakers Books.

Lombardo, Thomas (2018) Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future – Volume 1 – Prometheus to the Martians. London: Changemakers Books. 
Lombardo, Thomas (2021) Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future – Volume 2 – The Time Machine to Metropolis. Bloomington, Indiana: Authorhouse 
Lombardo, Thomas (2021) Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future – Volume 3 – Superman to Star Maker. Bloomington, Indiana: Authorhouse 

Lustig, P., & Ringland, G. (2024). The possibility wheel: Making better choices in a fractured world. Triarchy Press.

Lustig, Patricia, (2015), Strategic Foresight: Learning from the Future, Triarchy Press Ltd.

Lustig, Patricia & Gill Ringland, (2018), Megatrends and How to Survive Them: preparing for 2032, Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Lustig, P. and Ringland, G., (2021) New Shoots: people making fresh choices in a changing world. KDP 

Mäkelä, Marileena (2020) The past, present and future of environmental reporting in the Finnish forest industry. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 58: Oeconomica, Turku 2020.

McKaskill, William (2022) What We Owe The Future, Basic Books

Mannermaa, M, Dator, J, Tiihonen, P (Eds) (2006), Democracy and Futures, Committee for the Future, Helsinki, Parliament of Finland.

Marjainé, Szerényi, Zs, Nováky, E, Veigl, H, Zsóka, Á, Flachner, Zs et al. (ed. by Csutora, M, Kerekes, S) 2011, Accounting for Climate Change – What and How to Measure, EMAN-EU 2011 Conference, Proceedings, Budapest, Corvinus University of Budapest, Aula, 297 p.

MASSOTTE P. & CORSI P., (2015), Operationalizing Sustainability, John Wiley & Sons, New York & ISTE, London,

MASSOTTE P. & CORSI P., (2015), Sustainability Calling – Underpinning Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, New York & ISTE, London

MASSOTTE P. & CORSI P., (2020), Complex Decision-Making in Economy and Finance, John Wiley & Sons, New York & ISTE, London

MASSOTTE P. & CORSI P., (2017), Smart Decisions in Complex Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York & ISTE, London

McCallum, Kate & Morie, Jacquelyn Ford (2020),  Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media, IGI Publishing.

Meadows, Donella, Randers, Jorgen, Meadows, Dennis (2004), Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update, Vermont, Chelsea Green Publishing Company, White River Junction.

Mengel, Thomas (2021) (ed.). Leadership for the Future: Lessons from the Past, Current Approaches, and Insights from Futures Studies and Foresight. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Meyers, Tom (2023). The Futures Effect – Change Your Story, Change Y’our Future!, Antwerp, StoryLand.

Meyers, Tom (2018) Futurize Yourself – Design your life on purpose, Surrey, UK, Filament Publishing.

Micic, P (2010), The Five Futures Glasses: How to see and understand more of the future with the Eltville Model, Houndsville, Palgrave Macmillan.

Milojevic, I (2005), Educational Futures: Dominant and Contesting Visions, London, Routledge.

Milojević, Ivana (2013). Breathing: Violence In, Peace Out. Brisbane, University of Queensland.

Milojević, Ivana (2022). The Gold Maker. The Heroine’s Journey Series. Brisbane,

Milojević, Ivana (2022). The Future Maker. The Heroine’s Journey Series. Brisbane.

Miller, Riel (2018) Transforming the Future: Anticipation in the 21st Century, London: Routledge. 

Minkkinen, Matti (2020) A Breathless Race for Breathing Space. Critical-analytical futures studies and the contested co-evolution of privacy imaginaries and institutions. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 55: Oeconomica, Turku 2020. URN:ISBN:978-951-29-8042-0.

Mizuta,  Kazuo (2022), Which Way Are the Japanese People Heading? Creating a Pan Pacific Culture,  22nd CENTURY ART

Molitor, Graham (2003), The Power to Change the World: The Art of Forecasting, Bethesda, Md, Public Policy Forecasting.

Motti, Victor V. (2019), A Transformation Journey to Creative and Alternative Planetary Futures, UK: Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 

Motti, Victor V. (2025), Planetary foresight and ethics: A vision for humanity’s futuresUSA: Washington, D.C., Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Nadin, Mihai, (2022), Epigenetics and Anticipation, Springer Cham

Nelson, Claire A., (2021), Resetting Our Future: SMART Futures for a Flourishing World; A Paradigm Shift for Achieving Global Sustainability, John Hunt Publishing. 

Nederveen Pieterse, J (Ed) (2000), Global futures: Shaping globalization, New York, Zed Books.

Nicolescu, B (2002), Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity, Translated by Karen-Claire Voss, New York, SUNY Press.

Nováky, E, Fridrik, Sz, Szél, B (Eds) (2004), Action for the Future, Budapest, Futures Studies Centre, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration.

Nováky, E, Gáspár, T, & Tyukodi, G (Eds) (2002), Changing Values – Forming New Societies, Budapest, Futures Studies Centre, University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration.

Nováky, E, Kristóf, T (Eds) (2000), The Youth for a Less Selfish Future, Budapest, Department of Futures Studies, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration.

Nováky, E, Ramba Varga, V, Kalas K?szegi, M (Eds) (2001), Futures Studies in the European Ex-Socialist Countries, Budapest, Futures Studies Centre, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration.

Olavarrieta, C., Gándara, G. and Mattar, J. (2024). “Latin America 2050: challenges, scenarios and actions. Mexican Node The Millennium Project, AC and UNIFRANZ. ISBN: 978-607-29-5770-1.

Olavarrieta, C., Gándara, G. and Mattar, J. (2023). “Mexico 2050: challenges, scenarios & actions”. Digital Publishing House of the Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico. ISBN: 978-607-501-772-3.

Passig, D. (2021). The fifth fiasco, or how to escape the traps of Jewish history in the twenty-first century. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Pelton, Joseph N., (2021), Space Systems and Sustainability; From Asteroids and Solar Storms to Pandemics and Climate Change,  Springer, Cham

Poli, R. (Ed.). (2024). Handbook of Futures Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Poli, Roberto (2017), Introduction to Anticipation Studies, Springer International Publishing

Poli, Roberto (Ed) (2017), Handbook of Anticipation: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Use of Future in Decision Making, Springer International Publishing

Poli, Roberto (2019), Working with the Future: Ideas and Tools to Govern Uncertainty,  EGEA SPA – BOCCONI UNIVERSITY PRESS

Postma, A., Hartman, S., & Yeoman, I. (2024). Scenario planning and tourism futures: Theory building, methodologies and case studies. Channel View Publications.

Pouru, Laura – Wilenius, Markku – Holstius, Karin & Heinonen, Sirkka (eds.) (2018) Pentti Malaska – A Visionary and Forerunner. Futures Series 9, The Finnish Society for Futures Studies, Helsinki, 243 p. 

Roth, Susann and Inayatullah, Sohail (Eds) (2020). Futures Thinking in Asia and the Pacific: Why Foresight Matters for Policymakers. Manila, Asian Development Bank.

Sáfrányné Gubik, A, Wach, K (eds.), 2014, International Entrepreneurship and Corporate Growth in Visegrad Countries, Miskolc, University of Miskolc, 146 p.

Scharmer, Claus Otto (2007), Theory U: Leading from the Future As It Emerges, SoL, the Society for Organizational Learning.

Schreiber, D., & Berge, Z. (Eds.) (2019) Futures thinking and organizational policy: Managing rapid change in technology, globalization and workforce diversity. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan International Publishers, subsidiary of Springer Nature Publishing Group.

Schwarz , Jan Oliver, (2023), Strategic Foresight: An Introductory Guide to Practice, London: Routledge.

Schwartz, Peter (2003), Inevitable Surprises, Gotham

Sharan, Yair,  Ted J. Gordon, Elizabeth Florescu, (2021), Tripping Points on the Roads to Outwit Terror, Springer Cham

Shenderov, Alex (2022), Homo Exploratoris: Is Humanity an Apprentice God?, SacraSage Press

Sills, Joe B., Glenn, Jerome C., Gordon, Florescu, Elizabeth, Gordon, Theordore J. (2000) Environmental Crimes in Military Actions and the International Criminal Court (ICC) – UN Perspectives, Atlanta, Army Environmental Policy Institute

Simai, M, 2001, The age of global transformations: the human dimension, Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 217 p.

Slaughter, Richard, (2021), Deleting Dystopia: Re-asserting Human Priorities in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism, University of Southern Queensland

Slaughter, R. and Hines, A. (Eds.) (2020) The Knowledge Base of Futures Studies, Foresight International 
Slaughter, Richard, (2011) To See With Fresh Eyes: Integral Futures and the Global Emergency, Foresight International

Slaughter, Richard A (2003), Monograph Series, Australian Foresight Institute.

Slaughter, R. A. (2004), Futures Beyond Dystopia: Creating Social Foresight, London, RoutledgeFalmer.

Spitz, R. (2024). Disrupt with impact: Achieve business success in an unpredictable world (1st ed.). Kogan Page.

Stanley, David J (2007), History and Future. Using Historical Thinking to Imagine the Future, Lexington Books.

Subrahmanian, Eswaran, Toluwalogo Odumosu, and Jeffrey Y. Tsao (2018) Engineering a Better Future; Interplay between Engineering, Social Sciences, and Innovation, Springer, 

Szántó, Z, Aczél, P, Csák, J, Szabadhegy, P, Morgado, N, Deli, E, Sebestény, J, Bóday, P, 2020, Social Futuring Index: Concept, methodology and full report 2020. Budapest, Corvinus University of Budapest, Social Futuring Center, 283 p.

Szostak, Rick (2022) Making Sense of the Future. London: Routledge. Open Access and Print. 

Taub, Lawrence (2002), The Spiritual Imperative: Sex, Age, and the Last Caste, Second Edition, San Francisco,Clear Glass Publications. [Translated into Spanish and Japanese.]

Textor, Robert B (Ed) (2005), “The World Ahead: An Anthropologist Anticipates the Future – Vol 6” in Margaret Mead, The Study of Contemporary (Western) Cultures, Berghahn Books.

Tonn, Bruce E. (2021) Anticipation, Sustainability, Futures and Human Extinction: Ensuring Humanity’s Journey into The Distant Future, Routledge

United Nations Development Program (2002), A Guide to Conducting Futures Studies in Africa, Translated from the French by Cairncross, Ian, UNDP.

Van der Duin, Patrick (2007), Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, Eburon Academic Publishers. See also UNESCO World Report 2005 (English)

van der Laan, Luke & Yap, Janson (2016), Foresight & Strategy in the Asia Pacific Region, Singapore, Springer.

Van Woensel, Lieve, (2020), A Bias Radar for Responsible Policy-Making: Foresight-Based Scientific Advice, Palgrave Pivot, Cham

Velamoor, Sesh R. (2022) The Future: A New Paradigm – Pathways for Averting Collapse, IngramSparks

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