Les Sciences humaines et sociales pour mieux penser le présent et ses mutations
« Démarche empirique, connaissance pour l’action, la prospective n’a pas de prétentions.
Mais pour se développer, elle a besoin d’intégrer des savoirs pratiques et des savoirs experts, et, pour monter en généralité, elle requiert des capacités de conceptualisation et des outils méthodologiques » (Edith Heurgon, Docteur en Mathématiques appliquées). Les SHS sont à même d’apporter les connaissances -un socle d’outils et de concepts- dont la prospective a besoin pour mieux penser le pèsent et décrypter ses mutations.
Articles used by Futures Teachers
Katanga, DR Congo, Pourquoi faire de la prospective
La prospective de l’action publique développée au Grand Lyon, la démarche Nantes 2030, la 27ème Région… Les démarches de prospective semblent se multiplier actuellement et partagent l’idée que l’avenir ne se prévoit pas mais se construit. Mais la variété et la fécondité de ces initiatives montrent qu’il n’existe pas « une seule et bonne manière de faire de la prospective » (Hugues de Jouvenel, prospectiviste). Depuis son émergence en France après la seconde guerre mondiale, la demande de prospective, bien que fluctuante, s’est toujours renouvelée. Revenons brièvement sur les fondements de la prospective, son histoire et ses raisons d’être.
Katanga, DR Congo, Prospective Africaine La Lettre
Prespective africaine – La Lettre – Informations et analyses du continent aftricain – No. 000 – 27/09/2012
Secession au Mali: Pour une issue politique, economique et sociale
Katanga, DR Congo, Quelle est la place de Monsieur et Madame Tout le Monde dans l’exercice de prospective ?
Millenaire, le Centre Ressources du Grand Lyon
Lundi 25 Mars 2013
Dès son origine, la prospective s’interroge sur la place de M. ou Mme Tout le Monde dans ses activités. Gaston Berger pose la prospective comme un échange ouvert sur un sujet donné, à partir d’expériences et de points de vue différents.
L’évolution de la conscience (Jennifer M. GIDLEY 2013)
Ces dernières années ont vu les penseurs de pointe de nombreux domaines de travail érudit (comprenant la science de la complexité, l’écologie, l’éducation, la prospective, les études intégrales, la philosophie, la psychologie, la spiritualité et la théorie des systèmes) proclamer que les modes de pensée du siècle dernier, fragmentés, mécanistes et matérialistes, ne sont plus soutenables, durables.
Comme le disait Einstein il y a un siècle « les problèmes importants que nous avons ne peuvent être résolus au même niveau de pensée que celui qui les a créés »
Macrohistory and City Futures (Phillip DAFFARA 2004)
Where our cities are headed is a question being investigated globally by many stakeholders of our urban futures. This piece examines the possible, probable and plausible futures of the city, and what these may look like. the method used to extrapolate these futures is macrohistorical analysis. Positioning the current state of our globalised cities within different models of cultural/historical change gives us the grand patterns for the future of the city. The conclusion shows the ways in which the city is a tangible cultural product of civilisation and how the city can be positively used as a catalyst towards the development of a planetary human civilisation.
Postformal Priorities for Postnormal Times (Jennifer M. GIDLEY 2010)
A postformal response to an article by Ziauddin Sardar using complementary views as expressions of the complex truths of multiperspectivality. This involves discussion of notions of progress, development, evolutions and co-evolutions from different points of view as an opener to coming to terms with complexity. How can complexity and paradox be understood as paths to wisdom? This is a call to embrace the richness of complexity and play with – rather than fear – the paradox of planetary pluralism.
Psychology of the Future Outline (Tom LOMBARDO 2014)
The Psychology of the Future: Flourishing in the Flow of Evolution
Part One
The Question: How Do We Create a Good Future?
• The Central Challenge of Human Life & the Central Issue Motivating the Study of the Future
• The Answer I propose is:
We create a good future—defined as flourishing in the flow of evolution—through the heightening of future consciousness, which is achieved by developing a core set of character virtues, most notably and centrally wisdom.
Scenarios for Democratic Governance 2030 (Sohail INAYATULLAH 2013)
Visions and Scenarios for Democratic Governance in Asia 2030
Sohail Inayatulah, Professor, Tamkang University, Taiwan and Macquarie University, Australia. www.meta-future.org and www.metafuture.oog
“Democratic governance will thrive in Asia, once Asian narratives – myths and metaphors – are used to provide support and give meaning to it.”
“Democratic governance in 2030 will be radically different from how we see it today. We need new lenses to see the future.”
“Democratic governance will keep on changing as new technologies, demographic shifts and geopolitical transitions challenge reality – prepare for flux!”
Social and Emotional Education in Australia (Jennifer M. GIDLEY 2011)
This paper seeks to offer a broad, Australian perspective on innovative approaches to education
that may facilitate the social and emotional education of children. The paper begins with
a brief overview of the unique history of education in Australia, followed by a discussion of the youth mental health crisis during the 1990s. Several phases of development of social
and emotional education in Australia and an overview of many kinds of approaches,
including both explicit, curricular programmes and implicit, contextual and whole
system approaches. Three case studies are then discussed: a whole system approach (Steiner
education system), a whole population approach (all Australian five-year olds) and a targeted
programme (for those experiencing grief and loss).
Sustainable City Futures (Phillip DAFFARA 2004)
Book chapter within The CLA Reader.
Based on a world centric view, the sustainable development of our cities needs to be implemented with new thinking, facilitating the human progression of its citizens through the Spiral of Development and its evolutionary frames of reference – requiring intervention at all levels of the city. Currently sustainable development is practiced within a milieu of competing systemic frames of reference, and this struggle is consuming our focus rather the achieving tangible outcomes. Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) is useful here, in that it is able to probe through these frames of reference (or systemic levels of reality) seeking causal linkages and contradictions.
Women in Futures Studies (Jim DATOR 1992)
Women in Futures Studies and Women’s Visions of the Futures – One Man’s Tentative View
An article by James Dator