LEALA Online Pedagogical Resources
WFSF has consistently been a leading player in educating young people in the theories, concepts and methods of futures studies. We have offered Introductory Futures Course and Summer Schools since 1975 in former Yugoslavia and Romania. Through the activities of its office-bearers and members WFSF has been centrally involved in the development of many of the university courses in futures studies around the world. Since 2008 WFSF has been actively developing a Repository of Pedagogical Resources with the support of three UNESCO Participation Program grants (1. 2006-2007; 2. 2012-2013; 3. 2014-2015). UNESCO Participation Program 2006-2007 The Online Centre for Pedagogical Resources (OCPR) launched in 2008 was hosted independently through the CSU-MERLOT Project. In 2014 we decided to consolidate and move our Online Repository to our new WFSF online website. UNESCO Participation Program 2012-2013 & 2014-2015 The LEALA: World Futures Learning Lab further developed the quantity and quality of educational resources with the aim of furthering futures education of young people through blending face-to-face courses with online media. The LEALA Database Reports: Courses & Futurists Bibliographies Articles used by Futures Teachers/Instructors Over 20 course outlines and related class materials from a number of university courses in futures studies, including: University of Houston, University of Queensland & SciencesPo. Search here. Search here. Over a dozen open source books on futures-related topics including books by well-known futurists. Over 20 documents, some not officially “open” but may be shared freely with Copryright mention. Video Resources Texts Accompanying Video Resources PPT Presentations Search here.