The Philippines

The Philippines activity held in the City of Vigan was developed by Cesar Villanueva (University of St. La Salle Bacolod), a former member of the Executive Board of WFSF and member of the International Advisory Board of the Center for Engaged Foresight and Professor Shermon Cruz (Northwestern University Laoag), and the Director of the Center for Engaged Foresight. This project introduced futures studies and foresight to strengthen the foresight awareness of decision-makers and key actors involved in shaping disaster reduction and management programs and city development planning in highly vulnerable cities and communities to climate change in the Philippines. The two-day foresight capacity building course took place in June 25-27, 2015. The focus was to enable participants to design their own strategic pathways and enhance their foresight capacities for adaptive response and strategic renewal in a climate change era. Around 35 participants, of whom 90% women leaders – mayors, city planners, disaster risk management officers, programme directors, supervisors, specialists, legislators, professors, climate reality leaders and students, from all over the country attended the course. The learning lab introduced and combined creative, critical, interpretive and action-learning approaches and game tools to analyze and imagine alternative and preferred city futures from a woman’s STEEPCVLH (social, technological, economic, environmental, political, cultural, values, legal, historical) perspective. This learning lab was designed to further explore and imagine alternatives for women-gender contexts and roles in transforming Philippine city futures. The Philippines is primarily a hierarchical and masculine society (Geert Hoffstede, 2015). Filipinos ways of thinking, perceiving, …

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The Haiti project was developed by Patrick Corsi who is a designer of innovation strategies with in-depth experience with innovation in the Caribbean. From 2000 untill 2012 he was Associate Professor ISTIA Innovation at the Institut Des Sciences et des Techniques de l’Ingénieur (ISTIA), d’Angers France. Corsi proposed an active educational activity in Haïti, among the world’s poorest countries, stricken by natural disaster with the earthquakes of 2010. This course introduced foresight/futures studies methods with approaches and materials adapted to connect into regional realities and intensive design-practice based workshops using concrete cases of local interest and value. The workshop was held at Ecole Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti in Port-au-Prince with 39 participants from different generations (40% women), representing a broad cross-cut of Haitis population, including advanced students and high-level policy-makers but with no direct hierarchical relations between the participants. It took place over 9 consecutive half-days in April 2015 The workshop addressed a clearly pre-defined and specific subject area: distance learning for university education in Haiti. All of the activities, exercises, discussions and activities were geared at formulating proposals for projects, designs and breakthroughs in this area. The design-based approach of the workshop comes from CK theory (Corsi, REF) and relies on clearly outlined phases and steps to build innovative ideas/designs/proposals for things that matter. The intent was to gather and mobilize the total sum of available prior knowledge and collect the best possible state-of-the-art possibilities in the domain of distance learning before formulating desirable possibilities for the future. The learning lab …

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Past Officers

Since the origin of WFSF, the Presidents and Secretaries-General have been elected by the membership at General Assemblies.

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