Futures: Past Present, and Future, WFSF 2008

Futures: Past, Present, and Future: Snapshots of a Short Retrospective (History) on Futures Studies
by Members of the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF)

Edited and compiled by Christopher Burr Jones and Guillermina Baena Paz
UNESCO Participation Programme Grant #375711 – 69ONG
© 2008 World Futures Studies Federation

WFSF President Fabienne Goux-Baudiment sent members the following invitation in August 2007:
We are embarked on a venture to compile Federation histories from the perspective of first, second, and third generation futurists. In a Special Edition of Futures, histories and stories of the Federation were shared by former executives or representatives of many of the periods of the Federation’s evolution [found on the wfsf.org website]. This effort hopes to build on that by developing a compendium of member responses to three items:
1) A biography with an emphasis on your professional futures and
foresight work
2) An annotated list of the primary influences, individuals, literature, and theories that inform your futures work, and
3) What are your thoughts about the development of the field of futures studies, its successes, failures, and progress?

Twenty-four members submitted complete responses to the invitation, which are compiled below.

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