The WFSF has its own video channel for conference presentations, lectures or interviews by futurists collected or produced by WFSF members. The LEALA video channel is specifically dedicated to our futures video collection that focuses on the recording of our LEALA courses and workshops or the educational videos we produce and collect. LEALA participants and facilitators are invited to record and produce their own videos to add to our collection. Go to the WFSF Vimeo Channel here.
Videos from LEALA in the DR Congo
The young participants and artists in Lubumbashi created a diverse collection of images of the futures as intended at the outset of the project. These images constitute an important project result for Maono and have been shown at the universities of Brussels and Lubumbashi.
The Katanga pilot has also provided video-recordings of interviews conducted by participants. These will be made available for the LEALA video channel from September 2014. The music-clips made with Maono in 2012 and 2013 are already included in the LEALA video-channel.
Videos from Cairo, Egypt
Both the one-day conference at IARS on 28 November 2013 for non-initiated academics and students and the Workshop organized by the Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO on 21 December 2013 for World Heritage experts were partially video-recorded and will be made available on the LEALA video channel from August 2014.