Introductory 3-Unit Course Outline (Persian)

Applied Introductory to The Art and Science of Futures Studies

Applied Introductory to The Art and Science of Futures Studies. The course, endorsed by the World Futures Studies Federation, was offered in Persian language. The course was designed and developed by the former WFSF President, Dr. Jennifer Gidley. The Instructor was WFSF Director,  Mr. Victor Vahidi. The course was delivered by the Science & Technology Think Tank for the Contemporary World Tehran ( [click here to know more]

See also Futures Studies Books in Persian (click here)


The course will present many important concepts, theories, methods and case studies from the futures studies field to the students, in such a way that it will expose them to many new ideas and ways to think about “the future” and their own “preferred futures.”

Course Purpose

The purpose of the Introductory Futures Studies Course is to provide an entry level for people seeking to learn about futures studies with a view to further study or application in their field of work. It may also serve to broaden the skills of advanced practitioners in a range of disciplines. The strength of the course is breadth rather than depth. It is intended to introduce a wide range of topics and themes from the futures studies field to inspire participants to want more.

Course Objectives

The main learning outcomes for students in the Introductory Futures Studies Course are:
• An orientation and introduction to Futures Studies ideas and concepts;
• An introduction to a range of theoretical approaches and methodologies;
• An understanding and appreciation of the nature of futures work and its application through a series of case studies.

Core Questions

So what is “the future”? Is the future a time yet to come? Or is it a utopian place? Does the future have a history? Is there only one future? Or are there many possible futures? Can the future be predicted? Or do we create our own futures—both hoped for and feared—by our thoughts, feelings and actions? Can we study the future? And if so, how?

Core Themes as covered in the Three Units

Introductory Futures Studies Course consists of three units, which build upon each other in a logical sequence, each addressing one of the following major themes.
• Foundational Ideas and Concepts in Futures Studies;
• Introducing Key Approaches and Methodologies;
• Exploring Application through Case Studies

Learning Processes

Each weekly session will be made up of some or all of the following:
• Prescribed readings;
• Presentation by the instructor, which may include a PPT/video/audio;
• Set questions for online discussion;
• Class activities, such as pairs or small group discussions;
• Homework, some of which will be assessed as part of the course grade.

Course developed by Dr. Jennifer M. Gidley, former WFSF President