WFSF Elections 2025

As World Futures Studies Federation’s Election Committee (WEC), we are writing to invite our members to participate in our upcoming selection
process for the Federation’s presidency and executive board.

*Presidential Position: Shaping the WFSF global leadership*

We are seeking a leader who will:

– Guide the WFSF’s strategic vision for a four-year period (with the option of one re-election)
– Advance futures studies as a critical interdisciplinary field
– Foster global collaboration and innovative thinking about global futures
– Represent the Federation at international academic and policy forums
– Improve and update the constitution (including the election process)
– Subscribe to the following values: transparent, respectful of democracy and inclusivity, responsible, open to innovation and promoting it when it serves improvement.

Presidential candidate qualifications

– Advanced degree in futures studies, strategic foresight, or related interdisciplinary field and/or minimum of 10 years of professional experience in futures research
– Demonstrated publication record and/or record of projects
– Proven leadership experience in academic institutions and/or dedicated foresight oriented organisations
– Strong international network and collaborative capabilities
– Candidate must either be a fellow or enter fellowship process 

*Executive Board Positions*

In addition to the presidential role, we are seeking candidates for executive board positions, with a focus on:
– Treasury and formal requirements for accounting
– Regional Representation
– Legal skills e.g. regarding contracts, agreements, MoU, bylaws, constitution
– Organisational development
– Communication and membership engagement
– IT infrastructure (website, weblists, repositories etc.)

Board Member Qualifications

– Academic credentials
– Expertise in futures methodologies
– Commitment to WFSF’s mission of global futures thinking
– Proven leadership and collaborative skills
– Geographical and disciplinary diversity
– Innovation-minded
– Two years paying member

*Remuneration and time spend*

Both the President and Executive Board positions are volunteer positions (unpaid). All board members are expected to contribute their time for regular meetings and execution of their specific roles (EB: expect 4 hours per week).

*Election Process*

For all positions, submit an expression of interest to: including:
– Letter explaining interest (max 2 pages)
– Detailed curriculum vitae (max 4 pages)
– Two references (email address, to be contacted by the WEC if deemed necessary)

Additionally for the position of President:

– Vision statement for WFSF’s future (max 4 pages – this is to be shared among members by the WEC)
– Written support from 10 (paying) members

Vision statement

1. What is your vision for the WFSF and ways to reach this vision? (e.g. in response to megatrends and emerging issues – environment and WFSF)
2. What are the challenges you expect to face inside and outside the WFSF and how to face them? (e.g. through activities, operational changes).
3. Here is a list of some quotations by WFSF members, related to WFSF itself. Please, choose the 3 most inspiring and explain why they are inspiring for you and how they can shape your own actions within the Federation if you are elected.

“Inner sense” of WFSF (Jim Dator)
“Seed bed” for social innovation (Robert Jungk)
“Breeding ground for future futurists” (Bart van Steenbergen)
“Active engagement with the civilisational challenges” (Richard Slaughter)
“I wish WFSF to be still a bridge between people towards building the future” (Eleonora Masini)
“This was the paradigm of the Federation, then, authentic inclusion” (Sohail Inayatullah)
“The competence tree of WFSF – values and attitudes, knowledge and skills and contacts and networks” (Pentti Malaska)


1. Submission Deadline: 1 April 2025
2. Preliminary Screening for formal requirements by the WEC: 1-30 April 2025
3. Candidate Interviews by the WEC: 1 May-1 July 2025
5. Election by secret ballot: July 2025
6. Announcement: as soon as possible after the election
7. Installation: during WFSF General Assembly in October 2025

*Our Commitment*

The WFSF is dedicated to creating an inclusive, transparent, democratic and merit-based organisation. We warmly encourage expressions from scholars across all regions, backgrounds, and perspectives. Due to our constitution, we must adhere to the following criteria: no more than six of the nine EB members may represent one gender; including President and Director at least three of the eleven must be from non-OECD countries and at least three from OECD countries.

Together, we can shape a more insightful, sustainable, and global future for the Federation.


Andreas Ligtvoet, Fabienne Goux-Baudiment, Tamás Gaspar
WFSF Election Committee
World Futures Studies Federation