Past Officers

Presidents (1973-2017)

2. Bertrand de Jouvenel

Bertrand de Jouvenel (France), 1973-1974

Johan Galtung

Johan Galtung (Norway), 1974-1977

2. Prof Mahdi Elmandjra 2

Mahdi Elmandjra (Morocco), 1977-1981

10. Eleonora Masini 2

Eleonora Masini (Italy), 1981-1990


Jim Dator (Hawaii), 1990-1993

tony stevenson

Tony Stevenson (Australia), 1997-2001


Richard Slaughter (Australia), 2001-2005


Fabienne Goux-Baudiment (France), 2005-2009

JenniferGidley WFSF2017

Jennifer M. Gidley (Australia), 2009-2013, re-elected 2013-2017

Secretaries-General (1974-2008)

Peter Mencke-Glückert (Germany), 1974-1975
Eleonora Masini (Italy), 1975-1981
Göran Bäckstrand (Sweden), 1981-1983
Jim Dator (Hawaii), 1983-1990
Pentti Malaska (Finland), 1990-1993
Tony Stevenson (Australia), 1993-1997
Cesar Villanueva (Philippines), 1997-2001
Christopher Jones (USA), 2001-2005
John Ratcliffe (Ireland), 2005-2007
Marianne Rugård Järvstråt (Sweden), 2007-2008

Directors (2008- )

In 2008 it was decided at a General Assembly to replace the elected Secretary-General position with an appointed Director of the WFSF Secretariat.

Rakesh Kapoor 2014

Rakesh Kapoor (India) 2008-2014


Annie Ferguson (New Zealand) 2014-2017