Press Release: Oslo, Norway, 2 September 2024 The Governance Foresight Workstream (GFW) of the World Futures Studies Federation is set to explore, advance, and advise on governance-related aspects of futures-thinking and analysis. Target stakeholders and partners include, among others, governmental and parliamentary bodies, but also international and supra-national organizations and bodies. The GFW aspires to become a dedicated and specialized venue on the interface between foresight research and decision practice to help better navigate such policy-related controversies with the view to the future. That could be realized via tailor-made activities, partnerships and projects. Besides establishing an international multi-stakeholder WFSF “Epistemic Community” of Futures practitioners and governance stakeholders, the Governance Foresight Workstream, ought to assemble and validate governance-tailored methods and Good Practices for promoting a more effective, inclusive and sustainable forward-planning mindset. Not least, the use of foresight to build bridges between research and policy development will be an important element of this Workstream. Erik. F. Øverland President, WFSF