The Governance Foresight Workstream (GFW) 

Press Release: Oslo, Norway, 2 September 2024 The Governance Foresight Workstream (GFW) of the World Futures Studies Federation is set to explore, advance, and advise on governance-related aspects of futures-thinking and analysis. Target stakeholders and partners include, among others, governmental and parliamentary bodies, but also international and supra-national organizations and bodies. The GFW aspires to become a dedicated and specialized venue on the interface between foresight research and decision practice to help better navigate such policy-related controversies with the view to the future. That could be realized via tailor-made activities, partnerships and projects. Besides establishing an international multi-stakeholder WFSF “Epistemic Community” of Futures practitioners and governance stakeholders, the Governance Foresight Workstream, ought to assemble and validate governance-tailored methods and Good Practices for promoting a more effective, inclusive and sustainable forward-planning mindset. Not least, the use of foresight to build bridges between research and policy development will be an important element of this Workstream.  Erik. F. Øverland President, WFSF

Donation by Check

Dear WFSF Members and Friends, Your donation is very much appreciated.Be sure to identify the payment with your name.To pay by wire transfer, use the following bank account details: Bank name: Den Danske BankBank account : WFSF – Main AccountIBAN number – NO5984502011765Account number – 8450.20.11765Bank Identifier (SWIFT) code – DABANO22 Bank Address:Bryggetorget 4N-0250 OsloNorway To pay by cheque please make your cheque favouring “World Futures Studies Federation WFSF.” and post to: Dr. Erik F. Øverland, WFSF c/oGlaneren 2N-1458 FjellstrandNorway Cheque payments are preferred in NOK to avoid heavy currency conversion and bank charges.


This is a self-paced course about the environmental challenges we face and what we can do about them.

In brief, the course includes 12 lessons across three themes:

  1. Climate Change
  2. Energy Systems
  3. Ecosystem

Each theme has two lessons addressing the challenges, and two lessons addressing the alternatives.

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Where are we in History?

Reflections on the New Core Work of the 21st Century



Section I: Where are we who are MTI in History

Section II: Two Useful Mental Models

Section III: Using these Two Mental Models to Explore the Question:

“Where are we who are MTI in history?”

Section IV: But what if we are wrong?

Section V: The Adventure of the Exodus that Awaits Us

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Futures Publications – Books

WFSF has been developing a resource list of books about futures studies in several languages (English, Hebrew, Hungarian, Spanish and Portuguese, Swedish and Farsi). The English books cover the time period from the pre-1950s up to the present time.

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UNESCO Futures Literacy Summit 2020 (8-12 December)

From 8 to 12 December 2020, the UNESCO High-Level Futures Literacy Summit provided testimonials from around the world that being futures literate changes what people see and do. From high ranking leaders in the public and private sector to activists, artists, students and professors, the Summit showed how people become futures literate and the impact it has on all aspects of life (click here to read more). Dr. Riel Miller, Head of Futures Literacy in UNESCO and Executive Board member of the WFSF organized the Summit. The WFSF was very active in the UNESCO Futures Literacy Summit 2020 and organized several exciting events. You can access on this page the content presented in the WFSF Virtual Booth at this Summit as well as the video recordings of the presentations. In 2023 WFSF Turns 50 Program Guide We Are WFSF Partnership & Research Academia Publications Recorded Videos Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these presentations are those of speakers and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Federation.  Maya Van Leemput: Applied Futures Research for professional Bachelors at Erasmus University of Applied Sciences and the Arts Brussel You can watch the video of the presentation here.   Christopher Bisson with Erik Øverland, Caroline Codsi, ICD.D. and Bertrand Badré: A Roadmap for Sustainable Governance (Panel discussion) You can watch the video of the presentation here.   Jennifer Gidley, PhD: The WFSF and Futures Literacy You can watch the video of the presentation here.   Dana Klisanin, PhD: Transforming …

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Books in Chinese

Chinese Language Futures Books China Society for Futures Studies has a book shelf (click here) The Millennium Project State of the Future Reports in Chinese (click here)

LEALA Project Reports

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Reports from the WFSF-UNESCO World Futures Learning Lab Partnership Programmes conducted across two cycles: 2012-2013 & 2014-2015.

Pedagogical Resources

WFSF has consistently been a leading player in educating young people in the theories, concepts and methods of futures studies. Through its leadership and  the activities of its members and fellows WFSF has been centrally involved in the development of many of the current futures studies courses. We are currently strengthening our collection of pedagogical resources including articles, books, PPT presentations, course materials, images, videos and pedagogical games, with the support of UNESCO.

WFSF-LEALA Video Channels

One of the challenges for the futures studies field, and many other scholarly fields, is the rapid development of ICT over the last 20-30 years. While WFSF and its members have made a stellar contribution to the academic knowledge base of futures studies, the field as a whole has been left behind in the rising tide of new medias. WFSF is committed to breathing new life into its knowledge base and expertise in futures thinking by actively encouraging projects involving positive futures images, particularly through film, and other visual media. Link here to the WFSF Video Channel. The LEALA video channel is specifically dedicated to our futures video collection that focuses on the recording of our LEALA courses and workshops or the educational videos we produce and collect. LEALA participants and facilitators are invited to record and produce their own videos to add to our collection.   

Contact Us

Singing Building

For general enquiries about the Word Futures Studies Federation please send a message through our Contact Page. Even if you just want to tell us about some amazing futuristic discovery you’ve made like the singing building. We’d be most interested to hear from you about futures events or news!