FuturePod gathers voices from the international field of Futures and Foresight. Launched on 18 December 2018 by the WFSF Full member, Peter HAYWARD and his colleagues, they are bringing this podcast series to the world. With an initial focus on Melbourne-based practitioners, they gradually expanded their use of computer-based recording technology to allow a global reach for the interviews. This greatly increased the range for potential interviewees and also their interested audience.Through a series of podcast interviews, the founders of the field and emerging leaders share their stories, tools and experiences.
Brought to you by the visionary minds at Institute for the Future, this captivating series delves deep into the ever-evolving landscapes of science, technology, and culture.
Explore UNESCO podcasts series that radiate UNESCO’s mandate, which is to build peace in the minds of men and women through education, the sciences, culture and communication.
Futures Intelligent Leadership Flowcast: Delivering Innovative Wisdom for Future-Ready Leaders. The future, just like leadership, is a dialogue. Due to increased uncertainty, complexity and exponential changes, the more dialogues you have as a leader the more wisdom you gather to prepare you for the future. Diversity of dialogues increase the opportunity for innovation to solve future problems before they arise. In this flowcast host Tyler Mongan, President of Haku global and member of the WFSF, facilitates two diverse experts in a dialogue about what it means to be a future intelligent leader. Deep insights emerge, new ways of thinking and being are revealed, and practical actions are explored to expand the wisdom or future-ready leaders.
Welcome to the Foresight Institute’s podcast! Since 1986, Foresight has been advancing technologies for the long-term benefit of life and the biosphere. We focus on three areas: molecular machine nanotechnology for building better things, biotechnology for health extension, and computer science and crypto commerce for intelligent cooperation. This podcast is where we share a portion of our public work fitted for listening. We mix longer discussions with shorter bits, new episodes with all-time favorites.
We ask experts in various fields to describe what a positive future looks like to them, and how they believe their work can help humanity reach their vision. Then, it’s up to you to decide; does their positive future resonate with you? We understand that goal setting is about visualising, so for each episode we create an art piece to better imagine the positive future they envisage.
Futurized goes beneath the trends, tracking the underlying forces of disruption in tech, policy, business models, social dynamics, and the environment. Join futurist Trond Arne Undheim, PhD, author, investor, and serial entrepreneur, as he discusses the societal impact of deep tech such as AI, blockchain, IoT, nanotech, quantum, robotics, and synthetic biology, and tackles topics such as entrepreneurship, trends, or the future of work.
The Black Euphoria Podcast examines the role of collective Black Joy in transformative change. Our first season, Searching For Wakanda is a miniseries for fans, by fans celebrating the Black Panther fandom and highlighting how the franchise inspires them to transform their communities.
TheNewAbnormal podcast (150,000+ downloads) focuses on understanding today and anticipating the future. Discussing these subjects via the personal stories and insightful viewpoints of my guests has led to some fascinating conversations with activists, creatives, writers, philosophers, strategists, psychologists, lecturers, futurists, etc.
The Foresight Africa podcast celebrates the dynamism and optimism across Africa and explores strategies for broadening the benefits of growth to all people of Africa. Hosted by Aloysius Uche Ordu, director of the Africa Growth Initiative at the Brookings Institution.
What does the future hold for us? What common wisdom should we challenge? Listen to the Gartner Futures Lab podcast, where we take out our crystal ball to prepare you for future scenarios and disruptions, and explore new ways for you to create your own tomorrow.
Join futurists Yvette Montero Salvatico and Frank Spencer each week as they use the Natural Foresight® Framework to reframe our Wicked Problems into the transformational ideas that they call Wicked Opportunities®.
Welcome to the Future of You podcast. Here we’re going to investigate and analyse all the ways emerging technologies are going to affect our identity. We used to argue about whether personal identity was in the mind or in the body; but now that psychology of the self and the biology of self has been joined by a third dimension – the technology of the self.
This podast was created and is run by Ben Byford and collaborators. The podcast, and other content was first created to extend Ben’s growing interest in both the AI domain and in the Ethics associated.
Take a fascinating journey into the Future of Work with the latest podcasts from the International Labour Organization – the UN Agency for the World of Work.
Imagine A World is a podcast series exploring a range of plausible and positive futures with advanced AI. We interview the creators of eight diverse and thought provoking imagined futures that we received as part of the worldbuilding contest.
Futuribles est un centre de réflexion et d’études prospectives qui vise une intégration efficace du temps long dans les décisions et les actions. Cette mission se décline en plusieurs activités : la revue Futuribles, la formation, le conseil, les conférences, les tables rondes.
London Futurists Podcast; Anticipating and managing exponential impact – hosts David Wood and Calum Chace
Boaz talks to the Futurists about the prospect of fully automated corporations, digitally augmented workforce, and how every company can get started on the process of AI reinvention.
The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens is a podcast that explores the systems science underpinning the human predicament. Conversation topics will span human behavior, monetary/economic systems, energy, ecology, geopolitics and the environment. The goal of the show is to inform more humans about the path ahead and inspire people to play a role in our collective future.
BeyondX Podcast; A weekly show where the host Mahyar Ebrahimi has a deep dive conversation with leading industry experts, trail-blazers and market leaders on the key topics of our time, including areas like sustainability, technology, urban planning and city design, health and fitness, and more.
The Informing Choices Mini-Pod is a podcast series designed to explore different aspects of the emerging future across different domains. Each episode is around 15-20 minutes long and features expert guests from around the world sharing their perspective on how the future could play out.
Examining the future of water through the lens of strategic foresight–anticipating, framing, and shaping your preferred future.
Host Mark Sackler interviews authors, futurists, scientists, entrepreneurs and miscellaneous experts on all aspects of the future of humanity. Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political–all the STEEP categories are on the table.
Welcome to Say Hi to the Future! An inclusive platform exploring the different elements of Human Ingenuity (HI). Human ingenuity is the human divide. It is the way in which human minds influence how we think, work, play, construct and conduct friendships and other relationships, interact with each other, find solutions to challenges, cause problems, transform things and rationalize thought.
What Lies Beyond with Matt Colborn. Conversations on consciousness science, the paranormal and the post-material future.
Some of the active futurists regularly publish newsletters. You can also access their archives online.
UN DESA Voice is an insider’s look at the United Nations in the area of economic, social and sustainable development policy. It is produced by the Strategic Planning and Communications Services of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. All issues of the newsletter here.
- Robert Hickson has collected all issues of his newsletter here.
- Planetary Futures Institute Monitoring Programs all content available here.
- The Security and Sustainability Guide has collected all issues of its newsletter here.
- Jerome C. Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project, has collected all issues of his newsletter here.
- Laboratoire Européen d’Anticipation Politique (LEAP), institutional member of the WFSF, has collected selections of all issues of its GEAB here.
- Teach the Future, institutional member of the WFSF, has collected all issues of its newsletter here.
- Tom Lombardo, PhD, member of the executive board of the WFSF, has collected all issues of his newsletters here.
- Hugues de JOUVENEL, President, Futuribles International, offers a French language newsletter here.
- Cynthia G. Wagner, Editor, Foresight Signals, has collected all issues of their newsletters here.
- William E. Halal, PhD, George Washington University, TechCast Global, has collected all issues of their newsletters here.
- Ray Kurzweil, Author, Accelerating Intelligence, offers a newsletter here.
- Institute for the Future (IFTF), offers two newsletters here.
- The Federal Foresight Community of Interest (FFCOI) has collected all issues of its newsletter here.
- The Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty has collected all issues of its newsletter here.
- Institute for Economics & Peace and Alliance for Peacebuilding have collected all issues of their Future Trends here.
- DMS Foresight Academy has collected all issues of its newsletter here.
- Great Transition Initiative has collected all issues of its annual review here.
- Richard Yonck, Founder of Intelligent Future Consulting, has collected all issues of his newsletter here.
- Jan Berger, Founder at Themis Foresight, has collected all issues of his newsletter here.
- Brock Hinzmann and John Shirley have collected all issues of their newsletter here.
- The Future Today Institute has collected all issues of its newsletter here.
- London Futurists has collected all issues of its newsletters here.
- James Robertson has collected all issues of his newsletter here.
- Foresight Vector LLC has collected all issues of its newsletter here.
- Mara Di Berardo has collected all issues of her newsletter here.