11 January 2025
The Prospective Studies Seminar opens its 21st year with a presentation: when it began in 2004, this topic was only science fiction. Now it is reality, migration to space within our reach. Imagine that launch sites should be accessible to the general public and space education studies should be implemented in educational programs.Valentín Elías Pineda shows us why he is looking for solutions for the future that we already need [Click Here to Watch].
8 May 2024
Inaugural conference “Foresight in State Architecture. A system of systems” | Catarina Zuzarte Tully, Managing Director, School of International Futures (SOIF).
Objective of PAC-2024: to share and exchange experiences and knowledge on the institutionalization processes of foresight in various countries. Organized by: Centro de Estudios Prospectiva Chile and the Centro de Estudios Prospectivos (CEP) of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina [Click Here to Watch].
3 December 2023

I am pleased to send you the information about the 46 events that we held in 2023 in the Prospective Studies Seminar supported by the Latin American vice presidency of the WFSF.
There were conferences, two book presentations and two tributes to recognized prospectivists in Mexico. Eight countries in the region and five states in Mexico were connected. The presentations are on the page that appears in the report and can be downloaded freely.
Guillermina Baena Paz, PhD
Vice-President Latin America World Futures Studies Federation
WFSF Programme Accreditation Council Member Iberophone Hub lead, Mexico City
31 March 2023
7 January 2023
I am pleased to inform you that during the year 2022 we had 44 weekly events convened by the Prospective Studies Seminar and the WFSF Regional Vice-Presidency for Latin America on my behalf. It was an important experience since we opened the Seminar on a regional basis and we have had participants from at least seven countries in the region in addition to those carried out by the International Seminar on prospective training (with technical support from the Universidad del Cuyo in Argentina) We had an average weekly attendance of about 40 attendees on a constant basis and one hundred registered who are informed weekly and register on the subject of their interest.
As an added value, we have the materials on the page of the Faculty of Political Sciences with free access for members registered in the Seminar and those who are interested in them. It has been an experience that has been widely accepted and has disseminated the practices and theories of prospective in the Latin American region. The WFSF has fulfilled its mission to disseminate foresight and we will continue to do so.
We added the list of topics, speakers, country and presentation date in Spanish.
Guillermina Baena Paz, PhD, Vice President WFSF – Latin America
16 December 2022
Ninth Conference “Foresight in Mendoza: approaches and applications”
The Conference seeks to provide an overview of the approaches and applications of prospective in Mendoza and its regional and international significance.
28 October 2022
*Socio-ecological technological systems in the future of Latin America*
Round table:
• Fernando Ortega (Peru) | technology and productive transformation.
• Lucio Henao (Colombia) | sociotechnical developments.
• Lydia Garrido (Uruguay) | socio-ecological-technological systems.
• Rosa Alegría (Brazil) | what do we expect for 2023?
• Guillermina Baena Paz (Mexico) | what do we not expect for 2023?
• Javier Vitale, Luis Ragno (Argentina) | what can we do by 2023 and beyond?
• Paola Aceituno (Chile) what can we not do in 2023 and beyond?
10 October 2022
In this program, we will speak with Javier Vitale, WFSF Board Member, from the Center for Prospective Studies of the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina. The theme will be Prospective for Sustainable Development – the IV National Congress of Prospective that will take place on October 27 and 28.
15 July 2022
The activity was carried out within the framework of the Annual Conference Program (PAC) which aims to provide a virtual meeting space for analysis and debate on possible future scenarios, emerging technologies, sectoral challenges and links with the territory in the different strategic sectors contemplated in the National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2030.
The cycle is organized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through the National Prospective Technological Program PRONAPTEC of the National Directorate of Studies, together with the Cuyo Prospective Studies Center of the National University of Cuyo.
8 June 2022
The reports of the Annual Conference Program -PAC 2021 “Foresight and futures studies for development” organized by the Center for Foresight Studies (CEP) of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National University of Cuyo, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Argentine Nation, the Open Network of Foresight and Innovation for Latin America and the Caribbean of the CYTED Program and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF).
It contains conferences given by expert specialists with a recognized track record in the field of foresight and futures studies, including Rafael Ramírez, Silvio Funtowicz, Lucrecia Wagner, Joseph Hodara, Heinonen Sirkka, Joni Karjalainen, Alba Santa, Vanesa Lowenstein, Adriana Sanchez Rico, and Miguel Guagliano.
The themes developed revolve around the Oxford methodology for strategic rethinking, Postnormal Science as an epistemological and practical foundation for futures studies, the economic, technological, medical and social effects of Covid -19 on global stratification on the horizon. of this and the next decade, the transformative scenarios and crisis awareness as strong seeds to cultivate the resilience of the future, the management of uncertainty: the value of technological intelligence to anticipate opportunities, and the use of technological surveillance tools and property intellectual for future studies in Science, Technology and Innovation.

29 April 2022
Foresight Seminar 2022 – Second Session
· Moderator: Javier VITALE.
· Opening: Guillermina BAENA.
· Foresight Vision of the Colombian Pacific Coast | Lucio HENAO.
· University foresight planning experience | Iván MONTOYA.
· Psychoforerisght of peace | Martha JARAMILLO.
· Foresight legislation for public policies | Lucio HENAO.
· Foresight teaching experience | Javier MEDINA.
We invite you to watch the broadcast at https://youtu.be/J0541FkrVd4
25 March 2022
The International Seminar on Professional Training in Foresight 2022
On March 25, the opening session of the XIII International Seminar on Professional Training in Foresight 2022 was held under the slogan “APPLICATION OF FORESIGHT AND GOOD PRACTICES IN LATIN AMERICA”. The activity was organized by the CUYO Center for Foresight Studies (Argentina), the Foresight Studies Seminar of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, PROSERES (Colombia), the HUB Foresight Organization and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF).
The purpose of the meeting was to share application and concrete experiences of Foresight developed and implemented in various LATAM countries and to identify good practices in professional practice. The cycle is structured in eight sessions with expert specialists with a recognized track record in the field of foresight and futures studies, who will address the analysis of highly significant cases for our region, including the cases of Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Peru. The Cycle of video conferences emerged in 2010 with the purpose of generating instances of dialogue between prospectivists and decision makers to promote reflections and discussions that serve to propose lines of action on critical issues and problems of our America.
The opening ceremony was led by Dr. Guillermina BAENA PAZ, creator of the Seminar and the Mgter. Luis RAGNO, Director of the CUYO Center for Foresight Studies. Then the experiences selected by the CEP were presented. In the first place, Eduardo PEREZ shared reflections and learning from a Territorial Foresight experience. Next, Verónica MALGIOGLIO and Ulises MOYANO with the “4P” Pedagogical, Prospective, Political and Peace experience for the training of youth leaders for social transformation. Then Manuel VIERA with a sectoral foresight of the peach chain for industry to the year 2030. Finally, Pablo CURARELLO presented the experience of foresight in Catamarca.
We invite you to watch the broadcast at https://youtu.be/wkFa_Wls40M
3 June 2021
The Annual Conference Program -PAC-2021
The cycle is organized by the Center for Foresight Studies (CEP), Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Cuyo, the Centers for Foresight Studies of CUYO AC. and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Argentine. With the support and collaboration of the Open Network of Foresight and Innovation for Latin America and the Caribbean (CYTED Program) and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF).
During five days, to be held between June and October, internationally recognized specialists in the field of foresight will address the methodology for strategic rethinking, the emerging paradigm of post-normal science, the effects of COVID-19 at global level, the scenarios and their relationship with the resilience of the future and the articulation with strategic intelligence.
The opening of the first meeting had the participation of the National Director of Studies of the MINCyT, Vanesa Lowenstein; the director of the Centers for Foresight Studies of Cuyo, Luis Ragno; from the regional vice president of the World Futures Studies Federation, Guillermina Baena Paz and the coordinator of the Open Network for Foresight and Innovation for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development, Javier Medina Vásquez. It was moderated by the INTA researcher and co-director of the Center for Foresight Studies, Javier Vitale.
The main dissertation was given by Professor Rafael Ramírez, director of the Oxford Scenarios Program and academic director of the Strategy Laboratory of the same University, who presented the scenario planning methodology. Ramírez is one of the world’s leading experts in scenario planning. As a researcher and advisor, he worked extensively with NGOs, corporations, intergovernmental organizations, governments, and think tanks. He has a Ph.D. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an MA from the University of York in Toronto and Oxford. Before coming to Oxford, he was part of Shell’s stage team and was a professor of management at HEC in Paris. https://youtu.be/l4M2DPrc3wY
The next session of the cycle will be held on Wednesday June 23 and is entitled “Post-normal science as an epistemological and practical foundation for future studies.” It will be in charge of Lucrecia Wagner (Argentina) and Silvio Funtowicz (Argentina / Italy) and will be broadcast on the CEP YouTube channel. Participation is free, but requires prior registration. https://youtu.be/POBpPSTisiA
March, 24, 2021
Hosted by: Guillermina Baena, Lucio Henao and Javier Vitale
The Regional Vice-Presidency of Latin America of the WFSF organized the Fifth Gathering with the purpose of discussing and exchanging ideas and concepts on “THE REVOLUTION WE WILL MAKE”.
Key points that emerged from the brainstorming on these aspects are in the below English language summary.
February 11, 2021
Hosted by: Guillermina Baena, Lucio Henao and Javier Vitale
The Regional Vice-Presidency of Latin America of the WFSF organized the Fourth Gathering with the purpose of discussing and exchanging ideas and concepts on “THE DECOLONIZATION OF THE PROSPECTIVE”.
With the participation of about 50 attendees from many countries in the region: Colombia, Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Mexico, and Peru.
It is time to give a new direction to ideas with creative forces because we as people, as a region, have lived with colonized futures.
We emphasized four key points:
- Importance of the knowledge of our cultures. We import knowledge from the north, knowledge based on fashion thus colonizes us, and we have not considered how our ancestors saw the future.
- We have wasted knowledge. We have a lot of knowledge but we do not learn from the knowledge we have.
- There are problems with the translation of the word prospective: foresight, futures studies, deep sight.
- How do we face the prospect of resource scarcity?
Key points that emerged from the brainstorming on these aspects are in the attached synthesis
October 23, 2020
Hosted by: Guillermina Baena, Lucio Henao and Javier Vitale
The Regional Vice-Presidency of Latin America of the WFSF organized the Third Gathering with the purpose of discussing and exchanging ideas and concepts on “The postcovid in times of confusion. Demands and needs in Latin America”.
The meeting took place on Friday, October 23 at 2:00 p.m. (COL., MX., PE.); 3:00 p.m. (BOWL.); 16:00 hs. (CLE., UR., ARG.) By ZOOM.
The call invited everyone to attend, as their contribution will be very important and will help build collective agreements for the future of Latin American prospects.
Participants from the following countries were present: Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Panama.
Three round tables were held and the main points are summarized in the following reflections:
• We have to focus on what happens now to know how we handle the future.
• There was general agreement on existing and upcoming mental health problems. A great challenge is mental health due to individual and collective fragmentation, the hunger of the skin, the need for greater promotion of self-care and resilience at all levels. A strong burn out, somatizations and addictions and a greater increase in existing stress are coming.
• There are changes in human behavior that lead to individualism and to us becoming more insensitive towards others. The more information, the more loneliness.
• The threat of climate change is still in line, there will be a crisis for global warming.
• These problems are compounded by the political situation in many of our countries in the region, an exhaustion in Bolivia after the political crisis and a slight refreshing hope with the recent elections.
• We know that reality is no longer going to be the same as we knew it, so we need to adapt to this moment in history since there is no return, we are facing a watershed that many still do not understand, we must change our mental models with governments for medium and long-term exchanges
• The mindset of decision makers must change.
• We need greater collaboration among all of us, to share strategies; we will need international cooperation from different economic areas, international trade, and migration. Health, employment and education are crucial problems, an education that addresses emotional imbalances with new tools and anticipatory skills, resilient to adversity. An education by learning activities
• We also require an Agenda and an ethical platform that unites us as a region with a Latin American vision based on a set of values.
• But we have to reach a consensus on when tomorrow will be after tomorrow, to start that new world, with a vaccine, with the customs with the risks of a current society. Generate synergies, agreements, bases, commitments, and network.
• A mobile application is proposed that allows the person to be diagnosed emotionally, mentally and physically, as well as. a mental health booster. People are going to be scattered, without knowing what to do if they lock themselves in again, go out, or what to do.
• We are facing human realities that we did not see, we must learn to live with the virus and in this new era based on chaos with more holistic views.
• A reconnection with nature is urgent in the face of the global warming crisis.
• We have seen how society was reduced to the home where schools, the economy, work, the crises of relationships, intimacy, empowerment and even innovation in the search for solutions converged. They are the microscenarios of our daily life.
September 2020
Gathering 11 de septiembre de 2020
Coordinaron: Guillermina Baena, Lucio Henao y Javier Vitale
English Summary
LATIN AMERICA VISION: Gathering September 11, 2020
Coordinated by: Guillermina Baena, Lucio Henao and Javier Vitale
We organized a Gathering September 11, with the purpose of sharing the status of the activities that our organizations and networks have been carrying out, and agreeing on joint activities for the remainder of the year. The motto is what are we doing and what are we going to do to transform Latin America? These were the conclusions:
At the session, twenty-three people from seven countries participated, with the presence and message of President of the World Futures Studies Federation, Dr. Erik Øverland
The meeting was divided into three classrooms that worked with a coordinator and then closed in plenary with the following conclusions.
– To work together with the WFSF on a global level. Have a clear purpose as a Federation and as prospectivists. Being a member of a network does not only imply benefits; people are afraid of the future, love of short-termism, you have to work hard.
– It is essential to have an impact on the school, children, and society.
– It is our responsibility to bring prospective studies to decision-makers. The dissemination of our material is essential. It should reach decision-makers and influences education.
– The Federation must guide prospective studies and seek their certification.
– The Latin American region must build a more articulated, situated, and differentiated contribution than other areas.
– For this, it is essential to integrate the convergence of knowledge, communities, and sectors.
– There is a need for new organizations, including sectoral ones, such as development around the health sector.
– The dissemination of prospective and futures studies must be expanded.
– It is necessary to raise the interest of the new generations in foresight.
– More spaces for dialogue to talk are very significant. “Leave the window open.”
– There is a great variety of expertise in foresight throughout the region. Although foreign models continue to be used, we have many practices that can become contextualized for the area.
– There was some great acceptance for this meeting in the region. We need these spaces at least every month.
– A prospective analysis of the prospective is necessary to avoid bias
– It is essential to do educational research to measure future impacts on current students about how their lives have been changed
– We require greater dissemination of prospective studies and best practices.
The following suggestions were given.
– Organize a Latin American Foresight Forum with the most significant experiences. It can even be in English to become disseminated more widely.
– Edit a Latin American prospective magazine.
– Generate regional communication strategies of the prospective.
– Use existing pages for the dissemination and promotion of events, such as the Prospective Studies Seminar at UNAM, Mexico City, which has free of charge material since 2004, books, Notebooks, Specific Series of Working Papers, conferences, events, international videoconferences and presentations.
– We can integrate an inventory with the materials, studies, and resources that we have in the Latin American region with contributions from what Latin American prospectivists have gathered and produced.
– Generate a Latin American interconnection network to position ourselves and make ourselves visible in the world with more significant spaces for dialogue.
– Foresight has to be a tool for transformation.
– It can become a substantial social burden, with awareness of what surrounds us, we are not alone, we are an interconnected system, and we have to think about a future that is not immediate.
See also: WFSF World Conference 2019 https://www.wfsfconferencemexico.org/